Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Hidden Letter

Dear Juliet,
I can only compare thou smile to a blooming pedal in the middle of the spring. Art thou allowed to love rather than pretend? Thou hath played me for the last 3 acts, teasing me with lips and hands only comparable to the most beautiful of the angels. I only spoke in this tongue because you say that it turned you on even in thou worst states.
Now I am done speaking in this rubbish of a language. All along I followed you with my heart in my hands awaiting your approval. Now I see that it was indeed his heart that you had hidden under your flesh. I see that it was his eyes that you compared to oceans, not mine at all. I doubt that I will ever post this letter; by the time you read it I will be long gone. I would never have found out if it wasn’t for the Friar giving me the truth potion. I saw everything, the kisses, the laughter, the lies. So tonight, I am giving up on everything that I’ve ever known. You do not know that I am aware of your selfish act of adultery. Therefore, in the midst of the night, I will sneak into the church and poison myself with the drink of the gods. Then, Balthasar will spread the message to you and your new lover. When all is said and done you will see my paralyzed body lying cold on the ground. Then you will realize what you have done and cry over my lifeless body. Then, when all hope is gone, I will wake up and spit at your feet. You will realize the terrible act that you have committed and beg for my forgiveness. Hopefully at this time, your lover, my cousin-Benvolio will arrive to watch you cry yourself to a slow and painful death. Dearest Juliet, our story is nothing but a lie.
With Love,
“Your” Romeo

by Nicolas Grabowski

Romeo and Julia: by Eric Richardson

Eric Richardson

Part 1:The meeting
Rome was the most handsome looking guy at Shakespeare college. All of the women were in love with his looks. He had hair that was long and golden brwon, and a smile that could light up your day. Romeo had all of the ladies after him, but he was not interested in Shakespeare collge girls. Not one of them swept him off of his feet. Julia was a beautiful woman also at Shakespeare college. She was smart, angelic and fun to be around. Her friends said that she is the life of the party and she is always up for a good time. There was a party going on at her house and everyone was invited. The party was going very well until Romeop came along. All of the women flocked towards him as if the party was in his honor. Right when this was happening Romeo laid eyes on the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. The beautiful girl stared back at him for awhile. Both of them looked as if they had just found their long lost lover. The girl happened to be Julia's sister and she was not as wild as her sister. Romeo went over to talk to her, but he found that she is still in high school. Romeo had a strict rule to never fall for a high school student. Julia appeared and ask Romeo if he could leave, because his good looks it taking everyones attention from her. Romeo took one look at Julia and instantly fell in love. Julia however did not feel the same She had her friends escort Romeo out of her house. Romeo just realized after the party that he had to do anything to make Julia his.

Part2: Getting together, Problems arise
Julia could not get over the student she met at the party. The weird thing about all of this is that they never introduced each other. The next day at school she asks everyone who the hot blonde hair guy. Ever girl screamed out Romeo. Julia was begginning to have feelings for Romeo, but she did not know how to express them. Julioa found Romeo hanging out in the hallway and she completely lost track of everything except him. Romeo was very happy and surprised to meet Julia, but he wasnt ready to admit it yes. He wanted to make sure that she felt the same about him at first. Julia did not take long admitting her feelings for Romeo, but Romeo wanted to keep up the act. Julia passed the test with flying colors, but each friendship group had a problem with this. The felt that the two most beautiful people in school could not date each other. The group of friends that Danny and Julia are in dont like each other.

Part3: The Solution
Julia and Romeo found out that their group of friends were plotting to break them up. They did not like the idea of them being together so they got together to ruin their relationship. All of them decided that they would lie to their friends and tell them mean things. Julia was told that she is not that pretty and that Romeo told them to say that to her. Romeo was told that his breath smeels bad and that Julia forced them to say that. Julia and Romeo met each attmpt with a laugh, knowing that this game their friends were playing is never going to work. Julia and Romeo met each other later that day to come up with a solution to their problems. Even though they disregarded what their frinds sid about them, they could not help to think if any of that stuff was true. As the months went on Juila became very sad and depressed by the words of her friends. She did nto fell like the most beautiful woman at Shakespeare college. Romeo was saddened by the words of his friends, but his main problem was watching Julia dealing with her feelings. To escape their feelings and saddness both Romeo and Julia decided it was best to drop out and start theit own life in anothe country. That is exactly what they did and they never looked back. The managed to go Stratford Avon the birthplace of Shakepseare. Their onlyother choice was to commit suicide to cover their problems. The could not bear the hatred shown to them by their friends. Julia said the only thing that stopped her commiting that act was the fact that she had not poison drinks. Romeo chose life over suicide, because Julia was till alive.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fan Faction: Romeo and Juliet

Ext. Garden – Night

Romeo creeps around CLUMSILY through the Capulet Garden. He stops when he reaches
the base of Juliet’s balcony. He picks up a stone to toss at her window, but the
lights of a room downstairs in the house come on. VOICES rise.
Romeo ducks down between some bushes. While he is hiding underneath Juliet’s
balcony ENTER JULIET with friend EMILIA in conversation.

JULIET – What a lovely night.

EMILIA- Pray me! Juliet look at the moon.

JULIET – Oh my…

EMILIA – Sorry you must forgive me… you were saying?

JULIET – Yes, I met a boy!

EMILIA – A boy?

JULIET – Yes at my father’s ball.

EMILIA – Surely you must tell me his name Juliet!

JULIET - Romeo…
From in the bushes Romeo peeks his head out. The lights and VOICES from
downstairs have gone. The girl’s conversation has his interest.

EMILIA – My fair cousin, what shall you do about Paris? You know your father has
sworn your hand to marriage to him.
Juliet hangs her head.

JULIET - Perhaps…

EMILIA – You know he’d never budge.

JULIET - I know cousin, it shouldn’t help matters at all that the name my heart
beats for belongs to mine father’s only enemy.

EMILIA – Surely you can’t mean-

JULIET – Yes… Montague.

EMILIA – The scoundrell!

JULIET – Emilia! You shouldn’t say such a thing! He is rather sweet.

EMILIA – Your father will not approve of this one bit.

JULIET – Oh surely you mustn’t speak a word of this to anyone!

EMILIA – And what exactly is in it for me?

JULIET – What do you mean?

EMILIA – Certainly you cannot expect me to keep such news to my self without some
sort of compensation.

JULIET – My nerves! What would you like?

EMILIA pauses for a moment and thinks.

EMILIA – I am not sure I should keep such a serious issue from your father.

JULIET Emilia… No! You cannot-

A VOICE calls from within the house.

OFFSTAGE VOICE – Emilia, your father has arrived.

EMILIA – I am sorry dear cousin, I must be off.

EMILIA kisses JULIET’S cheek, while JULIET continues to plead with her.

JULIET – So you won’t say anything right?

EMILIA walks off the balcony and into the house pretending not to hear JULIET’S
last request. JULIET turns around in disgust and lets her head hang over the
railing of the balcony in defeat. ROMEO looks up to see her and ducks into the
shadows out of sight. The windows in the house have come on again and
silhouettes can be seen through the windows.

JULIET – O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

ROMEO slightly perks his head to this.

ROMEO - Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?

JULIET - is but thy name that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face. O, be some other name
Belonging to a man.

ROMEO musters up the courage to finally say something and just as he is about to

A VOICE FROM WITHIN – What?! A Montague?

JULIET jerks her head up, wide-eyed and dashes into her room. ROMEO, wide-eyed
runs off stage.

Fade to black.

(by Brianna Larivey)

FAN FICTION: Twelfth Night


Laying. face down on the beach, washed up on the shore, is SEBASTIEN. Also on
stage, is ANTONIO who is approaching the man laying - face down on the beach.

ANTONIO – Escuse me. Sir?


ANTONIO – Sir, can you hear me at all?


ANTONIO crouches down beside SEBASTIEN and rolls him over. SEBASTIEN is clearly unconscious. ANTONIO slings his rapier over his shoulder and hoists SEBASTIEN over his right shoulder. ANTONIO carries SEBASTIEN off stage as lights fade to black.


SEBASTIEN is propped up in a bed, his various wounds wrapped and bandaged.


ANTONIO – Sebastien I have brought your breakfast.

SEBASTIEN – What delectable meal have you brought me?

ANTONIO – Whole grain toast and eggs.

SEBASTIEN – You are such a kind host Antonio. I cannot express to you enough my
gratitude for your hospitality.

ANTONIO – You are quite welcome. Do you take sugar with your coffee?

SEBASTIEN – No thank you.

ANTONIO places the breakfast plate over SEBASTIEN so he can eat and his cup of
coffee on the nightstand by the bed.

SEBASTIEN – SO how long exactly was I out for?

ANTONIO – well I don’t know how long you were laying on the beach for, but after
I found you, three days.

SEBASTIEN – There were no others?

ANTONIO – No sir. But where I found you, there was no debris from the wreck
anyway. You must have been separated.

SEBASTIEN – So then there could be survivors! Has there been any news from Illyria?

ANTONIO – I am afraid not yet.

SEBASTIEN – I need to find my sister.

SEBASTIEN tries to get out of bed, but winces in pain and falls back.

ANTONIO – You can’t over-exert yourself. We will find your sister. You must rest
first though and regain your energy.

SEBASTIEN – You’re right. But will you do me a favor?

ANTONIO – Certainly.

SEBASTIEN – Check around town. See if anyone has received news of a vessel
crashing. Maybe we can catch a lead to finding out if my dear sister is still alive.

ANTONIO – What is her name?


ANTONIO gathers up the empty plates and clears away the bed table. He fixes
Sebastien’s pillow.

ANTONIO – I will certainly ask. If I hear any news at all I shall report back and
notify you immediately.

SEBASTIEN – Thank you.

ANTONIO – Of course sir. Now please you must rest.

ANTONIO exits off stage. SEBASTIEN slumps back into the bed. Lights slowly FADE

(by Brianna Larivey)

Friday, April 30, 2010

The love of the game

Funky Town was a small little village in London just along the north bank of the Thames River. Funky town was such a small town that when there was new news everybody knew that news within a matter of seconds. In this town there was a family, a very large family. Not in size, but in numbers. There was Jack, Jill, Jennifer, Joe, Jackie, Janice and Leonard and Donna. This was the “the family” of the town. They had it all fame, money, & happiness. It was all perfect and dandy until it came time to pick the teams for town baseball game every year. Now this is not just some small silly baseball game that one would play on a hot summers day. The winner of the baseball game this year would win $ 5,000 and everybody in the family would get an ipad! The Janicker Family really wanted to win this year and usually wins every year except this year they had new arrivals this winter, the Packer family. The Packer family was always pleasant and friendly to the Janicker’s and their children, but they had taken the spotlight away from the Janicker’s since their arrival. The Packer’s had Peter, Paul, Paulina, Prince, Prudence, Paris & Parker and Anne. Behind these two families lied a dark secret and some mischief behind their ‘ eyes. The two oldest of the families, Jill and Paul were archenemies. Always competing in school in sports and in popularity. Jennifer and Paulina were the second oldest in the family and they were actually really close friends and so were the younger siblings. In school they were really close friends but when it came time for that baseball game they never really spoke to each other due to the fact that they needed to get their head in the game.

One day after an intense game of kickball at school the little ones came up with a plan. Jackie came up with the plan when she was eating lunch in the cafeteria and saw Jill and Paul glaring at each other as they walked around the school gathering appreciation for next weeks school election; they were both running for president. So after Jackie had a light bulb she gathered everybody around and told them the plan. The little ones were going to try and get Jill and Paul to fall in love. Everybody knew that they liked each other, they would just bickering back and forth because they were just alike. So after school they all agreed that Joe would write the letter from Paul and give it to Jill, and then Paulina would write the letter from Jill and give it to Paul.

After the kickball game Paulina and Joe gathered at the picnic table and started to brainstorm as to what might be said in these “love letters”. Paulina started off with, “ Dear Sweet Love, for I have always known that you were the one for me. Your grace is like the wind blowing on a calm summer’s day. Your words and like music to my ears. Meet me by the sweet lilac tree at noon in two days. Yours truly-Paul.” Joe started off with, “My One and Only, the one who I admire, respect and dream to be mine one day. That smile is like a thousand diamonds all in a row shining on a summers day. Yours forever-Jill”. Giggling all the way home, excited to start the plan , Paulina put her letter in Paul’s mailbox and Joe put Jill’s letter in her mailbox.

It was two days later and it was the day of the baseball game and the little ones were all excited to see what would happen after the baseball game because of their silly plan. As the two teams lined up they both glared at the other team pretending that they are enemies and determined to beat each other to win that $5000 and that ipad everybody was longing for. The families could sense an extra amount of tension between the two older ones. The younger kids were so confused as to why this was.

The batting began and the came ended up favoring with the Janicker’s due to Donna’s two home runs! The Janicker’s were delighted to find out they have just one all that money and everyone had an ipad to play with. After the game the little ones gathered in the tree fort so they could see the lilac tree to see if the Jill and Paul would meet each other. They waited, and waited and waited, until finally Jill walks up and is standing there blushin, excited and happy, and then they see Paul running toward Jill in excitement and everyone had a blank face, when Paul ran up to Jill and gave her a kiss. Jill was explaining to Paul how nice of him to write that letter and he replied with the same, and they both denied writing any letters. They were so confused as to who wrote the letters. They carefully looked at the letters and realized that they handwriting was not at its best and figured the little ones had planned this not knowing that Jill and Paul were madly in love with each other, previous to the letters. Jill and Paul were proud of them for keeping this a secret but did not want their parent to find out about their relationship.

The little ones finally came down in the tree from amazement and were so glad that their plan had worked. Yelling “we did it, we did it”. Paul and Jill stood there looking at each other wondering what they were talking about, and instantly stepped away from each other acting like they didn’t know what they were talking about. “I know” said Paulina and high fived Joe for the great work in getting these two together. We are not together said, Jill. And be before any of the others could make it back Peter, the tattletale of the family ran back to his parents to announce that Jill and Paul were together and that they kissed. Furious, at this news the parents Leonard and Donna had demanded that no relationship with the Packer’s will be happening between Jill and Paul!

When Jill arrived home with the little’s ones they saw a moving van out front of their house, and were confused as to what was happening. When they opened the front door their stood Donna and Leonard waiting to break the news. “We are moving.” Gasps from everyone. Jill screamed saying “you can’t do this” and the children were so upset at this news. They wanted to stay at least till the end of school but the parents would not allow this. They wanted Jill and their other children to focus on school and not on the Packer family. The parents told Jill they knew about her relationship with Paul, and the little ones explained to them that they planned all this out and the letters they wrote were a joke. The Janicker’s were very strict and would have none of this nonsense. Donna and Leonard told the kids to get into the moving van. Slowly they all piled in , as Jill looked out the back window she saw Paul running down the drive-way in such confusion as to where and when his love would be back.

Romeo and Julie: by Eric Richardson

Part 1: The meeting

omeo was the most andsome man in all of America. All of the women loved him. He had long golden blonde hair, with eyes so beautiful, that just staring at them forced you to marvel at it;s wonder. Romeo was a college student at Stanford, who has been single all of his life. He never had any serious relationships, and he wasnt looking foward to any in the near future. Romeo felt that everygirl he came across was not even in is league. During the college banquet Romeo was the only guy there without a date. In his eyes he was to perfect for all the Stanford women. All of a sudden the crowd turned their attention towards the entrance, watching this angelic figure grace them with her presence. Everyone was starting to yell her name, Julia, Julia, Julia. She was the most beautiful woman in the college. Just like Romeo, Julia felt that she was to good to settle for any old guy at Stanford. She wanted someone who was equally as beautiful and graceful as she was. Romeo instantly fell in love with this woman. Julia turned to Romeo with his gleaming eyes, and long blonde hair, and immediately had a dislike towards him. Julia whispered to herself how nobody is ever allowed to look at angelic and graceful as she does. Romeo went over to talk to her, but she proceeded to throw her drink at him. Romeo was confused as he left the pary in embarrasment.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shakespeare High School

Shakespeare High School is a good place to go to school. You make a lot of friends there. Sometimes you meet people and you want to be more than friends. This was the case with a senior boy names Romeo, and a junior girl named Juliet. As soon as Romeo laid eyes on Juliet, he knew that she was the girl for him, and he thought she was extremely gorgeous. Juliet was oblivious to guys though, guys would drool over her and she wouldn't notice. Every guy wanted to be with her. She didn't care much, she concentrated mostly on school work, and her friends. One of them being her best friend, Beatrice. Juliet never talked to Romeo before, she knew who he was, but never had a conversation with him. She saw him around school, usually with his best friend Benedick. They were the show offs, being the biggest flirts of all, messing with every girls mind. They were the kind of guys Juliet would roll her eyes at as they walked by making dumb remarks.

One day in lunch, Romeo decided to make his move. He saw Juliet sitting in the corner, he walked over and sat down. She didn't know how to react.

“What are you doing?” Juliet asked him,

“Mind if I sit with you today?” Romeo answered.

“Sure? I guess.” Juliet replied.

They talked the whole lunch period, and Juliet realized he wasn't the hot-dog she thought he was. To her, he actually had a great personality and he was great to talk to. Before Romeo left he got Juliet's number and texted her the next day. They decided to sit together once again, learning a lot more about each other. Romeo asked Juliet if she wanted to go to the movies that weekend with him. She said yes, but if she went she would have to bring her friend Beatrice. Romeo thought that was perfect because he could bring his friend Benedick.

“Is that the kid your always around?” Juliet asked him.

“Yeah, he's my best friend.” Romeo answered.

“Well, I don't think that will work too good, Beatrice isn't a big fan of him.” Said Juliet.

“We'll make it work.” Said Romeo, smiling with excitement.

They proceeded with that exact plan that weekend, and everything went just like Juliet had said. Beatrice and Benedick barely talked. When they did it was just making fun of each other, or talking about how much they both didn't want to be there. When they were in the movie they wouldn't even look at each other, and the whole car ride there they were just texting other people and not talking to each other. It was extremely awkward. But not for Romeo and Juliet. They had fun, just like they had planned. The next night Beatrice was sleeping at Juliet's house and they had a long talk about it all.

“How could you like someone like him? Those are the kind of guys we laughed at.” Beatrice asked Juliet.

She watched her sit there texting Romeo, not even listening to her question.

“I don't know there's just something about him. I really, really like him.” Juliet answered.

That night they kept talking about it all. Beatrice admitted something to Juliet that she had never expected. She told her that she was actually crazy about Benedick. He annoyed her to the extreme, but there was some kind of feeling inside her for him. The way he walked, talked, and acted annoyed her. But she didn't want him to know the real well she felt. The next time they all hung out together she acted the same way she did before, annoyed. Like she wanted nothing to do with him. He did the same in return.

It didn't take long for Romeo and Juliet to fall in love. It happened almost instantly and no one could come between them. They were crazy about each other and it was just like people seen in the movies.

It took Beatrice and Benedick a little longer to get to that point. It took months of anonymous notes in Beatrice's locker, and many many movie dates of fighting and bickering for them to find out their true feelings for each other.

They still annoy each other ninety percent of the time, but still manage to stay together.

They all lived happily ever after, even after high school.

by Mike Zeis